Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Maximum Efficiency

It's been six and a half weeks after giving birth to my first child, and I'm surprised I guess to see that it took this long to have a complete breakdown of ego that consists of me finding it perfectly acceptable to eat with vomit in my hair and poop on my hands while someone screams in my face.

Even this post is taking me twice as long to write because I'm typing it one-handed.  And I've learned to become ambidextrous because having only one hand that can write is just dead weight at this point.

Being a mother requires a body that can maximize efficiency.

Saturday, May 9, 2015


Hello blog.
I went away.
I was pregnant.
And then I had a baby.
Now I have a baby.
And I'm busy.

Talk to you later, bye.
:) :) :)

Nobody likes god

Aren't we at a state yet, when we can make fun of the fact that no one likes god?  Like making jokes about people who are clearly trying to hide the fact that they're going bald, they pretend like it's not really happening.

Well, even if there was a god, no one likes him/her.  There.  We're done with that one.

B4by, Y0u C0mput3 M3

Graham says I do good impersonations of technology.

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