Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Dual-Voiced Sleepy Wednesday Post

I'm happy to see that we've finally been getting snow this week, and today it seems to be sticking.

Perhaps like many other non-native Montanans, I had a reverie upon moving here that it would be snowing all the time.  I do prefer winter and snow, and am less enticed by heat and sunshine.  I was, however, disappointed to find that Montana is not a perpetual vision of icebergs, woolly mammoths, and fur-clad spear hunters.  It is only like that for a few months out of the year.

Now I don't want to cultivate an image of being the whiny East Coast girl who moved to the West only to find the weather unsuitable to her majesty's requirements.  In my defense I didn't necessarily choose to move here.  I just came along.  Like many non-native Montanans I've spoken to, we rode our youthful cannonade of adventure and landed in the alpine wonderland to see what was to be seen.  Once here, we found that it can be difficult to earn enough money living in Montana to move back out, and people become soothed into complacency, which isn't actually too hard when you consider the whole alpine wonderland part of it.

And this, dear souls, is where I find myself today.  Unable to conjure up much of anything but stupefied awe and gentle, wintry fatigue of which I will only awaken from with the return of scalding heat and flame of the rash of summer.

And I can't say that I'm in a hurry for that.

Now that it has snowed, I am like a fat baby full on warm milk.  I have nothing left to remain conscious for, knowing my security snow is just outside, covering the earth and dulling the tumult of sound.
I will now present you with pictures that depict my succor.

This is a pointless post.  Sorry.  I don't know why I'm posting this.  I haven't had motivation all week, I'm too sleepy and everyone around me is sick.  Even our little cat, Gabriel!  I think it's the snow.  
Anyway, I think I just wanted to capture the sleepiness.  But sleepiness is unremarkable, unless you're an insomniac.

Here is the view from the living room.


See?  Just look at how sleepy this is.  Who can possibly garner energy from this?  

Hello, welcome to my house.  Consider your energy garnered.  

-Oh!  Have you seen that movie with Jennifer You-Have-No-More-Energy Garner?
-No, I fell asleep during that one.  But I did listen to the new TedTalk, "Open your Eyes - A 12 Step Program to Rest and Recovery" narrated by James Why-Keep-Fighting-It Garner.
-Oh yeah, yeah!  I've seen that, they also did, "This is Dumb, I'm Disappointed in You" at Garner McGarnerton's inaugural garner.

Here's the view out of the bedroom window, with my little vegetable garden there.  This is at noon.  When it snows here the sky gets very thick and everything turns blue on the ground.

And then I nod off.

The inhabitants of the house are finding it difficult to muster up motivation or energy today too.

Right there with ya, Keiji.

Awwww, who needs to cuddle?  Is it baby Gabriel?  IsitbabyGABRielekljgkjgx?!!!?!

Someone in this house has always got ardor.

Bryn knows that beauty never sleeps.

Neither does evil.

Here's one of my favorite areas of the house.

View out of the kitchen window.

Pfft.  Who cares.  Wait, go back to the coffee. 

Here I am, saturated by the throes of  paradise.

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